Governance and EthicsGovernance

Detailed information about our governance, including the composition and operations of our Board of Directors, the Committees of the Board, and information on our Executive Officers, can be found in our Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2018 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Hi-Crush Inc. is committed to operating our business with integrity, honesty and in accordance with all applicable laws. Our employees are required to follow the Hi-Crush Inc. Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) in both letter and spirit and it is, without exception, binding on members of the Board of Directors, senior officers and all employees working on behalf of the company. The Code requires they do the following:

  • Act ethically with honesty and integrity, including the ethical handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships;
  • Avoid conflicts of interest, including perceived conflicts of interest, in relation to their duties and responsibilities to the company;
  • Provide or assist management in providing full, fair, accurate and timely and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that the company files with the Securities and Exchange Commission and in other public communications made by the company;
  • Comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations of local, state, national and international governments as well as private and public regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the company, including the New York Stock Exchange;
  • Promote honest and ethical behavior by others in the work environment;
  • Respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of their work for the company;
  • Responsibly use and maintain all assets and resources employed by or entrusted to them;
  • Promptly report potential or actual violations of the Code to the appropriate company personnel; and
  • Accept accountability for adherence to the Code.

Additionally, all Hi-Crush Inc. employees must read and follow the policies stated in our Employee Handbook. In it, Hi-Crush Inc. expressly prohibits any form of sexual harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation against any individual who in good faith reports instances of sexual harassment or discrimination.

Hi-Crush Inc. has established a complaint hotline for employees to report any instances of harassment or discrimination. All reports are investigated and those reporting any violations of our policies are assured as much confidentiality as possible.