Northern White Sand/Wisconsin Operations Technical Data

Our Wisconsin sand operations (Augusta, Blair, Whitehall, Wyeville) are unit-train-capable facilities with total annual capacity of 10.4 million tons of premium Northern White frac sand. Sourced from a Pleistocene alluvial flow deposit of reworked, quartz-rich, Cambrian period sandstones, our Wisconsin natural proppants are geologically and texturally mature, exhibiting exceptional purity, shape, strength and conductivity.


Augusta, Blair, Whitehall, Wyeville
10.4 Million TPY Capacity
84,000 Ton Silo Storage

Union Pacific and Canadian
National Railroad Origin

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    Northern White Primary Proppant Grades

    Typical Properties 20/40
    100 M
    13503-2/API RP 19C -20+40 -30+50 -40+70 -50+140
    Sect. 6 “Sieve Analysis”
     16 0.0
     20 3.6
     25 20.6
     30 33.9
     35 33.5
     40 6.8
     50 1.2
     Pan 0.3
     20 0.0
     30 1.5
     35 19.0
     40 44.4
     45 25.7
     50 5.8
     70 2.6
     Pan 0.4
     30 0.0
     40 1.9
     45 21.7
     50 36.3
     60 26.7
     70 9.4
     100 3.5
     Pan 0.1
     50 0.0
     70 35.7
     80 22.6
     100 18.5
     120 11.5
     140 5.9
     200 4.2
     Pan 0.2
    Percent in Size (API/ISO Standard) > 90% > 90% > 90% > 90%
    Mean Diameter (mm) 0.620 mm 0.424 mm 0.304 mm 0.202 mm
    Median Diameter (mm) 0.606 mm 0.416 mm 0.297 mm 0.196 mm
    Sect. 7 "Shape"
    Roundness 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7
    Sphericity 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7
    Sect. 8 "Acid Solubility"
    12:3 HCI/HF @ 150° F < 2% < 2% < 2% < 2%
    Sect. 9 “Turbidity”
    NTU < 250 < 250 < 250 < 250
    Sect. 10 “Proppant Density”
    Bulk (g/cm3) 1.56 1.53 1.51 1.50
    Bulk (lb/ft3) 97.22 95.64 94.35 93.78
    Apparent [Oil] (g/cm3) 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.63
    Settling Rate (ft/min) 61.84 61.84 61.84 61.84
    Sect. 11 “Crush Resistance”
    K Value 6K–7K 8K–10K 9K–11K 10K–14K
    Loss at K Value 7.68% @ 6,000 9.22% @ 8,000 8.65% @ 9,000 8.70% @ 10,000
    9.12% @ 7,000 9.38% @ 10,000 9.20% @ 11,000 9.00% @ 14,000
    Typical Properties 30/50
    13503-2/API RP 19C -30+50
    Sect. 6 “Sieve Analysis”
    Percent in Size (API/ISO Standard) > 90%
    Mean Diameter (mm) 0.424 mm
    Median Diameter (mm) 0.416 mm
    Sect. 7 "Shape"
    Roundness 0.7
    Sphericity 0.7
    Sect. 8 "Acid Solubility"
    12:3 HCI/HF @ 150° F < 2%
    Sect. 9 “Turbidity”
    NTU < 250
    Sect. 10 “Proppant Density”
    Bulk (g/cm3) 1.53
    Bulk (lb/ft3) 95.64
    Apparent [Oil] (g/cm3) 2.63
    Settling Rate (ft/min) 61.84
    Sect. 11 “Crush Resistance”
    K Value 8K–10K
    Loss at K Value 9.22% @ 8,000
    9.38% @ 10,000
    Typical Properties 40/70
    13503-2/API RP 19C -40+70
    Sect. 6 “Sieve Analysis”
    Percent in Size (API/ISO Standard) > 90%
    Mean Diameter (mm) 0.304 mm
    Median Diameter (mm) 0.297 mm
    Sect. 7 "Shape"
    Roundness 0.7
    Sphericity 0.7
    Sect. 8 "Acid Solubility"
    12:3 HCI/HF @ 150° F < 2%
    Sect. 9 “Turbidity”
    NTU < 250
    Sect. 10 “Proppant Density”
    Bulk (g/cm3) 1.51
    Bulk (lb/ft3) 94.35
    Apparent [Oil] (g/cm3) 2.64
    Settling Rate (ft/min) 61.84
    Sect. 11 “Crush Resistance”
    K Value 9K–11K
    Loss at K Value 8.65% @ 9,000
    9.20% @ 11,000
    Typical Properties 100 M
    13503-2/API RP 19C -50+140
    Sect. 6 “Sieve Analysis”
    Percent in Size (API/ISO Standard) > 90%
    Mean Diameter (mm) 0.202 mm
    Median Diameter (mm) 0.196 mm
    Sect. 7 "Shape"
    Roundness 0.7
    Sphericity 0.7
    Sect. 8 "Acid Solubility"
    12:3 HCI/HF @ 150° F < 2%
    Sect. 9 “Turbidity”
    NTU < 250
    Sect. 10 “Proppant Density”
    Bulk (g/cm3) 1.50
    Bulk (lb/ft3) 93.78
    Apparent [Oil] (g/cm3) 2.63
    Settling Rate (ft/min) 61.84
    Sect. 11 “Crush Resistance”
    K Value 10K–14K
    Loss at K Value 8.70% @ 10,000
    9.00% @ 14,000

    Conductivity (md-ft)


    Long-Term Conductivity and Permeability 2% KCL Between Ohio Sandstone at 150°F for 50 hr Per Stress

    Conductivity (md-ft)
    Stress (psi) 20/40 30/50 40/70 100 M
    1,000 528
    2,000 4,376 2,574 1,001 474
    4,000 3,035 1,910 783 352
    6,000 1,362 1,034 523 231
    8,000 570 443 262 122
    10,000 138 68 39
    12,000 18
    Permeability (darcy)
    Stress (psi) 20/40 30/50 40/70 100 M
    1,000 25
    2,000 229 138 53 24
    4,000 165 106 42 18
    6,000 78 60 29 12
    8,000 34 27 16 7
    10,000 8 4 3
    12,000 1

    Disclosure: Material physical and performance properties are measured using recognized industry procedures and facilities. Average values may apply. Hi-Crush Inc. and its affiliates make no warranty for their products, express or implied. We recommend you confirm all properties and suitability for use. All products are sold under Hi-Crush Inc. and its affiliates applicable standard terms and conditions of sale.

    Silica Sand Danger: This product has been classified following the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classifying and Labeling Chemicals Criteria as a Category 1A Carcinogen, Category 1 Specific Target Organ Toxicity (following repeated exposures), and Category 2B Eye Irritant. For Industrial Use Only. Avoid creating dust when handling, using or storing product. Do not breathe dust. Prolonged exposure to dust may cause delayed lung injury (silicosis). Read Material Safety Data Sheet before using and follow OSHA or other applicable health and safety standards for crystalline silica/quartz.